CBSE Class VIII MATHS - Chapter 1 - Rational Numbers - Lesson 1 - Closure Properties Of Rational Numbers

Rational Numbers

Closure Properties Of Rational Numbers

Consider the two rational numbers as 5/6 and 1/4.

What would we get if we add these two rational numbers, i.e. what is the value
 of  5/6+1/4?
This means that the sum of two rational numbers 5/6 and 1/4 is a rational number. In other words, we can say that rational numbers are closed under addition.

Is this true for all rational numbers?

Yes. We can try for different rational numbers and see that this property is true for all rational numbers. Thus, we can say that the sum of two rational numbers is again a rational number. In other words, we can say that rational numbers are closed under addition. This property of rational numbers is known as the closure property for rational numbers and it can be stated as follows.
If a and b are any two rational numbers and a + b = c, then c will always be a rational number”.
Are rational numbers closed under subtraction also?
Let us find out.

Consider two rational numbers -11/12 and 7/8

Thus, rational numbers are closed under subtraction also.
Closure property of rational numbers under subtraction can be stated as follows.
If a and b are any two rational numbers and a − b = c, then c will always be a rational number”.

Now, let us check whether rational numbers are closed under multiplication also. For this, consider 
two rational numbers 3/4 and -4/11.
Now , which is a rational number.
Thus, rational numbers are closed under multiplication also.
Closure property of rational numbers under multiplication can be defined as follows.
If a and b are any two rational numbers, then a × b = c, then c will always be a rational number”.

But rational numbers are not closed under division. If we consider the division of 2/5 by 0, then we will not obtain a rational number.
 is not a rational number because division of a rational number by zero is not defined.

Thus, we can say that rational numbers are not closed under division.
We can summarize the above discussed facts as follows.
  • Rational numbers are closed under addition, subtraction and multiplication.
  • Rational numbers are not closed under division.