Poverty and Unemployment

Good morning everyone! Today we have gathered to throw some light on the 
burning topic of ‘Poverty and Unemployment’.
Poverty and unemployment are two mutually exclusive yet co-related factors that 
have had a profound effect on India’s growth. Poverty is a condition wherein a 
person is bereft of even the basic necessities of life and finds it extremely difficult 
to sustain himself. Unemployment, on the other hand, is a situation where a person 
willing to work cannot find work for himself. Unemployment breeds poverty as no 
work means no income, which eventually leads to poverty. Even after 60 years of 
independence, India has not been able to do away with the problem of poverty and 
unemployment. According to a report by World Bank, 456 million Indians are still 
under the Global Poverty Line i.e., they are surviving on an income of less than 
one dollar a day. Nearly twenty-six percent of India’s population lives below the 
poverty line. Similarly, about thirty-one percent Indians are unemployed.
India is considered to be a developing country; however, this development is not 
inclusive as a large portion of its population is still struggling for survival. 
Considering that a numner of MNCs are are entering the Indian market, the 
country provides for huge employment opportunities. However, owing to large 
population, the jobs generated by these MNCs do not cater to vast job 
requirements. The Government has launched various poverty alleviation 
programmes, but most of these have miserably failed in achieving their objective 
because of official bottlenecks and misappropriation of funds. Nonetheless, the 
success of programmes such as NREGA gives some hope that things could 
improve in the future if proper implementation is guaranteed.
It is essential for the government to adopt effective measures to control the 
problems of poverty and unemployment in the country. It must be ensured that 
these two problems are the focus of all five-year plans. Development should not be 
confined to a small section of society. It should percolate down to the lowest levels 
in order to realize the dream of a developed India that can boast of inclusive 

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